Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
Sports chiropractic is unique sub-specialty of chiropractic focusing on medical issues that arise out of more intense physical activity. This in-depth knowledge improves the doctor’s ability to diagnose and differentiate common sports injuries, but also formulate a more effective treatment plan if you are injured or to prevent future injury. 90% of all world-class athletes use chiropractic to prevent injuries and boost performance. With a sports chiropractic specialty, Hullman Family Chiropractic takes a multidisciplinary approach to treat patients and injuries common to sports such as running, biking, tennis, skiing, and many other physical activities. They are uniquely qualified to treat athletes without the use of invasive drugs or surgical procedures. Evaluation of the extremities and knowledge of the physiology of athletic movement, exercise, and sport related injuries requires specialized diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. As a benefit to those who do not participate in sports, many of the principles used in sports chiropractic can be applied to the general population.